Monday, January 21, 2008


A newsletter for the NYCFIRST robotics community in New York City and the surrounding area.

Jan. 21, 2008


NYC/NJ FIRST web site
Team Info:

or directly at:

Program Guide:

All of this information can be downloaded from the NYC FLL Tournament page:

This will be the last Update before the tournament.

Check the blog for late-breaking news.

I hope you're all enjoying your day off. Four days left to get ready. Have fun with the time. No matter what happens, Saturday will be great.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Daily News looking to visit this week

A reporter from the Daily News would like to visit some teams in Brooklyn or Staten Island that will be practicing this week for Saturday's event.
Respond ASAP if interested. I'll send in the first 5 responses.

Information on events at the Javits Convention Center in April will be forthcoming a few weeks after Riverbank.

The full list of 82 teams with the up-to-date information is posted at:

The program guide has been sent off to the press today.
A pdf will be made available for downloading at the NYC/NJ FIRST web site:

A map of the parking underneath will also be available at
It is a bit of a trip to get there so check it out.

When you arrive at Riverbank

The doors open at 8.

Make sure to have the Team Information sheet filled out in advance.

If you forgot it, don't panic. We'll have some blanks.


The form is also located at:
Downloadable from:

You will need to know your team number and team name. We are also asking you to list the names of your team members.


1. Take your team to the stands (not the pit area) and get them seated.
They cannot leave the stands until you have been assigned your pit table.

2. Get on the line to register – only one person on the line – do not bring your kids to the line.
If you are the only adult and are uncomfortable in leaving you kids in the stands alone, ask me to help find someone to keep an eye on them.

3. You will be assigned a pit number when you register in the order of registration. It is irrelevant what pit number you get. But schools with 2 teams should make sure the teams are separated and placed in an area where you cannot keep an eye on them. There are maps of the layout at the registration table.

4. Gather your flock and take them to the pit table to settle in. Then fasten your seat belts.

5. Robot inspections, research and technical presentations will start around 8:15 and run till 9:30 when opening ceremonies will take place. Matches begin at 10.

Schedules of when you are due and where will be posted near the entrance. This process takes some time so be patient. Someone will come to the pit and get you for each event.

Many teams bring their mats and field-set up to use as an alternative to the practice tables. Please set these up out of the main paths. And share with your neighbors.

Plugging in: You cannot run extension cords across the space. There will be recharging areas along the back wall.

Last year there were reports that some parents planted themselves there and told people it was "their" space.

I will be walking around with a stun gun if this should occur.

I will be your point person for any issues you might have during the day. My cell is 917.992.3734. I probably won't be able to hear the phone so leave a message with a return number. We will also use the Volunteer Check-in table at the entrance as a place for you to go to ask any questions and they will round me up. Or ask another coach for info. Most are vets and know the ropes.

Make sure to have spare food and drink to keep the troops from getting edgy.

Confirming you are attending

We have received responses from 72 teams who have confirmed they are attending.
Why we asked for you to confirm when you were automatically entered:

Here are the top 5 reasons we asked:

5. Just making sure things are going ok – some of you are too shy to say if there's a problem.
4. We need to know if for some reason you will not make it. (You won the lottery and retired to Hawai).
We are very tight for space and if some teams are not coming, we can remove some tables to make things less "cozy."
3. I have been working on the program guide and wanted to get the team names and coaches listed (I have some very old data – like some teams are still using Nanobots from last year and coaches are listed from 5 years ago.)
2. We wanted to get an idea of the numbers you were bringing to get a rough count that we are not going to get too severely overcrowded and have to ask people to limit their numbers.
1. I get lonely when I don't hear from you.

The teams that have not yet responded (it is too late to change the program guide):
NOTE: I was away for a week and some email responses may have slipped by.

Please include the team number and your school/organization in the email and check the accuracy of the information for your team(s) listed by borough:

Team # School/Organization Team Name Coaches' name(s)

1654 PS 21K Crispus Attucks School Panthers Carla Arnold
1673 PS 195X Molecules Zelma Torres-Rosado
2132 IS 98 X Ridder Kids Harold Smith
2880 Benjamin Banneker Academy K RoboWarriors Imani Fischer
3107 Bedford Academy BedBot Cluny Lavache
4084 Bronx Latin MS Architecti Eddie Branchaud
4795 Manhattan Youth @IS 289 M Cougers Annie Xu Theseus Roche
5499 IS 49 SI Robo Spartans Carol Obler
5501 IS 49 SI Powah Playaz Carol Obler
7203 IS 126 Q 126Q Stingers Stephan Linardic

The I.S. 75 Lego Robotics Team will be on the cover of the Middle School Principal Association (MSPA) Magazine
Coach Donny Swanson sends this along.

My principal informed me of great news. The I.S. 75 Lego Robotics Team will be on the cover of the Middle School Principal Association (MSPA) Magazine. After my principal was contacted, I sent information about the Lego Robotics program at I.S. 75, some background on inspiring students, and some of the unique points of the F.I.R.ST. Lego League Tournament many are not aware of at first.

The full letter on at:

IS 72 Rocco Laurie Press Release
from coach Randi Huss

The IS 72 Rocco Laurie Lego Robotics Team would like to announce their partnership with Hewlett Packard in the successful completion of a Consumer Electronic Recycling Saturday Project.

On Saturday January 5th from 9am - 2 pm Hewlett Packard sent the We Recycle Truck, bins, pallets and brochures to 33 Ferndale Avenue and the team provided the person power. NY 1 was on hand to document the event as well as to interview the students. The piece ran that weekend on Staten Island News Now.

Full press release posted at:

If you want to be removed from this list type "unsubscribe" in the subject area and hit return. If you already asked and it didn't happen yet, ask again as sometimes I get behind in paperwork.

Compiled by Norm Scott
NYCFIRST Registration coordinator

Have a good day


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